Wayne Besen - Daily Commentary

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dr. Warren Throckmorton has lashed out at me in a mad fit of rage after the APA canceled his quack forum. To execute his smear campaign, he turned to discredited right wing publications, such as World Net Daily (WND) to do his dirty work. Throckmorton's goal was to create an echo chamber of irrationality, where multiple fundamentalist news articles - published at the same time - misrepresented what I had written, in a transparent effort at character assassination.

Fortunately, Throckmorton's underhanded tactic has backfired. A media watchdog, ConWebWatch, exposed the untruths in the "Weird Nut Daily" article and also noted that WND scrubbed reference to shamed researcher Paul Cameron.

This past week has only further diminished the unlicensed counselor's standing and shown how close he is to anti-gay activists at right wing publications. It is time that Throckmorton apologize for his misrepresentation of my work.

Finally, PFOX should stop lying about a bogus hate crime that never took place at a Virginia fair. They pulled the same crap a few weeks later at the Falls Church fair - but this time they embarrassed themselves because media was present. The "ex-gay" group is a nut magnet and draws unbalanced people who need serious psychological help. What kind of wackos seek to fake such incidents?


Friday, May 09, 2008


Still fuming from the American Psychiatric Association's cancellation of the "Quack Panel" he was scheduled to appear on this week, notorious "ex-gay" therapist Warren Throckmorton continued on his vindictive warpath. All week, he has done the rounds, whining and playing victim, with fawning right wing rags - apparently the only media that will listen to his bizarre ideas.

Throckmorton's latest stop on his "Sour Grapes Media Tour" is an interview with World Net Daily - a publication best known for publishing a kooky article that claims that eating soy products might turn children gay.

"'Weird Nut Daily' and Warren Throckmorton are two peas in a pod, so it was entirely expected that they would join hands to do a hatchet job on TruthWinsOut.org," said Besen. "It is time for Throckmorton to preserve his remaining dignity by ending his 'Sour Grapes Tour' and moving on. The Quack panel did not happen because the more people learned about Throckmorton, the more uneasy they became with giving him a platform that might appear to legitimize his outlandish and archaic views on sexuality."



Arianna Huffington says that John McCain trashed Bush at a posh Hollywood dinner party in 2000 and claimed that he did not vote for the President. Her account was backed up by two "West Wing" actors, Bradley Whitford and Richard Schiff who were also at Candace Bergen's A-List gathering.
"McCain was just sort of going off on how much he disliked Bush and the horrible things that the Bush campaign had done to his family in South Carolina, and his exasperation with Bush about his ridiculous tax cuts and he really wanted to talk to him about it, but he said the guy doesn't have the concentration, and you talk for 10 minutes and then the guy wants to talk about baseball," Mr. Whitford said.

Another guest then asked Mr. McCain, Mr. Whitford recalled, whether he had voted for Mr. Bush. "And he put his finger in front of his mouth and mouthed, 'No way,'" Mr. Whitford said. (I can only imagine how tasty the whine must have been at this party!!.)
McCain's campaign ruthlessly attacked Huffington in response to the New York Times and Washington Post articles.
"She's a flake and a poser and an attention-seeking diva," Mark Salter, one of Mr. McCain's closest aides, told The Washington Post.
Ouch! I guess that is contrast to McCain, who in, my humble view, is a "fake, panderer and attention-seeking dork." In any case, his cozy relationship with Bush is clearly phony and based on political convenience. This is hardly the profile of a maverick and reveals that McCain is just another politician who will do anything to win an election - including embracing men such as Bush and Rev. Jerry Falwell.


Thursday, May 08, 2008

After admitting earlier today that he had an extramarital affair and fathered a child out of wedlock, Rep. Vito Fossella (R-N.Y.), who was nailed for drunk driving last week, was spotted today huddling with the House chaplain in the back of the chamber during floor debate.

Fossella, who is married and has three children with his wife, could be seen standing on the back rail of the chamber, on the Republican side near the center aisle, in deep conversation with Rev. Daniel Coughlin, the House chaplain. One can only assume what they were discussing...

In a statement today, Fossella went so far as to name the woman with whom he has had an affair for several years. Her name is Laura Fay, a retired Air Force Lt. Col. who, as Fossella now admits, is the mother of their 3-year-old daughter.

Fossella's "love child" was exposed in his drunken-driving charge because Fay is the person who fetched Fossella from an Alexandria, Va., police station after he was charged with driving while intoxicated in the wee hours of the morning last Thursday.

Well, I'd like to take a swipe at this Republican for his "moral" behavior. But, after the Elliot Spitzer debacle, I'm going to pass on this one. Let's just call it even and agree that politicians from all parties misbehave.

UPDATE: I just checked the Human Rights Campaign's Congressional scorecard. This human Sin-Bag had three straight ZERO ratings. So, he can oppose loving GLBT families while he wrecks his own home? What a piece of moral rubbish. Good thing this disgraceful hypocrite's undistinguished career is over.


Exodus Global Alliance Is Selling False Hope and Faulty Science To Vulnerable and Desperate People, Says TWO

NEW YORK - TruthWinsOut.org denounced a so-called "ex-gay" religious symposium near Toronto that will peddle anti-gay stereotypes, twist legitimate science and promote discrimination. The event, hosted by Exodus Global Alliance, is part of a multi-million dollar worldwide effort to deceive people into believing homosexuality is a casual choice that can be cured through therapy and prayer. The goal is to shift public opinion, so a majority of voters will oppose legal equality for GLBT people.

"Exodus Global Alliance is selling false hope that will ultimately shatter families and ruin lives," said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of New York City-based TruthWinsOut.org. "It is important that people realize that attempts to change sexual orientation can be dangerous and are rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health association in the world."

The right wing symposium will take place at Morningstar Church in Scarborough, ON, May 8-10. It will feature several so-called "experts" who will misinform people about GLBT life and distort science to conform to their religious theories.

Exodus Global Alliance is the international component of a movement founded in the United States in 1973 to convince people that homosexuality is not a fixed orientation. Exodus International, based in Orlando, FL has a $1 million dollar budget and thirteen staff members. The organization works closely with Colorado-based Focus on the Family. Exodus Global Alliance has endorsed the criminalization of homosexuality in foreign countries and actively works to support anti-gay laws.

TruthWinsOut.org is a non-profit organization that counters right wing propaganda, exposes the "ex-gay" myth and educates America about gay life.


According to this reader:

There is an 800 pound gorilla sitting prominently in most fundamentalist churches today. But nobody seems to notice. These churches claim to demand a strict, literal interpretation of every passage in the Bible. But there are some Biblical passages that will literally curl your hair! And fundamentalists don't dare demand a strict interpretation of them. For example:
A man who divorces his wife and remarries commits adultery (Luke, Chapter 16, Verse 18). And those who commit adultery must be put to death (Deuteronomy, Chapter 22, Verse 22).

If a woman is not a virgin when she marries she must be put to death (Deuteronomy, Chapter 22, Verses 20 and 21).

If a son is rebellious and out of control, he must be put to death (Deuteronomy, Chapter 21, Verses 18 thru 21).
And yes, there are a few passages in the Bible that are critical of physical love between men. Interestingly, there are no passages in the Bible that are critical of physical love between women. So presumably lesbian love is acceptable to the hard-liners.

Rational people do not advocate the death penalty for people who divorce and remarry, or for women who are not virgins when they marry, or for rebellious sons, or for men in loving gay relationships. They ignore these passages and others like them because they are contrary to the Bible's central message of love and compassion.

People who use the Bible as a weapon to bludgeon gay men also ignore the passages about divorce and non-virgin wives and rebellious sons. But they seize upon the passages that are critical of gay men and trumpet them to the world. Could it be that these hard-liners are picking and choosing which passages they will recognize, in order to cater to their own prejudices?


Apparently, popping pills was not enough of a rush for Rush Limbaugh. Bored with getting high, he decided hijack the Indiana Democratic primary - with the former junkie spewing junk about Republicans voting for Hillary.

It was part of a concerted effort, dubbed "Operation Chaos," to prolong the Democratic race, in an attempt to beat up and bloody Obama so he would be weaker in the general election.

You see, in Indiana registered voters could participate in either party's primary. With Operation Chaos, Rush may have been responsible for the slim 14,000 vote margin that favored Clinton. According to the Washington Post:
Limbaugh crowed about the success of his ploy all day Tuesday, featuring on-air testimonials from voters in Indiana and North Carolina who recounted their illicit pleasure in casting a vote for Clinton. "Some of the people show up and they ask for a Democrat ballot, and the poll worker says, 'Why, what are you going to do?' He says, 'Operation Chaos,' and they just laugh," Limbaugh said Tuesday.
Clearly, Limbaugh cares more about partisanship than fair elections. He is a disgrace to broadcasting, as well as morally challenged. Would someone get this hypocrite a fresh bottle of Oxy-Contin? At least when he's high he's only screwing up himself instead of America's political system.


Monday, May 05, 2008

- McCain Mugs With Rev. Hagee

(Weekly Column)

No matter who wins the presidential election, it is quite clear that the big loser in campaign 08 is religion. By far, the most strident political voices have come from renegade reverends that seem a bit hot under the collar. These cantankerous characters (or caricatures) have transformed their houses of worship into a harbor of war ships with loose cannons lobbing invective into an otherwise serene national conversation.

The most cloying of the clergy is Barack Obama's self-promoting preacher, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright. While he claims to represent the interests of African Americans, he may be remembered for giving a black eye to the black church, while sabotaging America's first legitimate African American presidential contender.

Wright has clearly turned the sanctuary into a sanitarium. When I see him jumping around the pulpit and flapping his wings like a chicken, I want to call Colonel Sanders, so Wright's ridiculous routine will finally come home to roost.

I'm half past fed up with hearing about how we should respect Wright and his ilk because he has an AIDS ministry and helps the poor. The good work that people do in life does not automatically negate the bad. For example, President Bush has helped fund the fight against AIDS in Africa. However, this does not cancel out his disinformation campaign against condoms, which helps increase infections. Likewise, Wright's sickening sermons are so obnoxious and divisive that they overshadow his laudable contributions.

At this point, the best thing this shameless shaman can do is continue stabbing his former parishioner in the back. The further apart they grow, the more difficult it will be for McCain to conflate the positions of Wright and Obama in political ads.

While the eyes of the nation were focused on Wright's sinful spectacle, they largely ignored a stinging denunciation of gay unions by Hillary Clinton's church. The United Methodists voted to uphold church law that says gay relationships are "incompatible with Christian teaching." If there was a vote opposing interracial marriages on scriptural grounds, is there any doubt Clinton would leave her church?

Clinton averted our gaze to her church's bashing of gays by sending Chelsea on a gay pub-crawl in Philadelphia. While her daughter frolicked with bar patrons pounding shots - her church took pot shots at loving same-sex couples. It would have been refreshing if the possible Democratic standard-bearer, would have taken a stand against the gay double standard and left her church.

Of course, the "liberal media" has been so consumed with the Democratic demolition derby, that they barely noticed radical reverends on the right. Now that Rev. Jerry Falwell has departed, McCain has latched onto Rev. John Hagee to prove his conservative credentials. Hagee has called the Roman Catholic Church the "the great whore of Babylon."

Hagee also believes that God spawned Hurricane Katrina to stop a "homosexual parade there [New Orleans] on the Monday that Katrina came." This messianic meteorologist/madman appears twice daily on Trinity Broadcasting network, which reaches 75 million homes. As New York Times columnist Frank Rich saliently points out, "any 12-year-old with a laptop could have vetted this preacher in 30 seconds, tops." Unfortunately, McCain's crass political needs, trump Hagee's dirty deeds and the worrisome words he imparts to millions of worshippers.

And, of course, we must not forget Rev. Pat Robertson endorsing the multiple marriage machine, Rudy Giuliani, during his ill-fated campaign. The 700 Club host once predicted that natural disasters would destroy Orlando if the city flew gay pride flags. He also - along with Falwell - tried to blame 911 on gays, abortion practitioners and the ACLU.

While the politicians have worked diligently to appear mainstream, the pugnacious preachers have done nothing but sell the candidates - and the religions they represent - down the river.

It remains to be seen whether Clinton, Obama or McCain will ultimately benefit or suffer from their affiliations with ranting reverends. However, this circus-like exhibition (or, in Wright's case, theological exhibitionism) may have a lasting impact on America's image of religion.

The rhetorical inanity combined with the scriptural insanity is nothing short of a theological calamity. I can't imagine the next generation drawing inspiration from this clerical conflagration. Far from appearing as if they stand on hallowed ground, these ministers of mindless, hollow madness are driving civility and common decency into the ground.

Basking in the warm glow of the election spotlight, these pastors must feel quite popular. I'm willing, however, to bet they will ultimately lose the popular vote, as today's youth eventually walk out in droves and find churches where bile doesn't come with the Bible.


(Pete Was Burned, Now He's Bitter)

Has-been crooner Pete Burns - the lead singer of "Dead or Alive"is sour because he was dumped by his husband. Instead of maturely dealing with his break-up, he decided to dis all gay relationships. Speaking out on the issue the washed up (and washed out) pop star said:

"I view marriage as a sacred institution," he said through barely recognizable lips. "I think two men naturally are predators. Gay relationships are a commercial break, not a whole movie."

Bitter Burns failed to mention that maybe his husband woke up sober, looked at him and freaked out. Apparently, Burns has more new heads than Joan Rivers and more plastic than a Mastercard factory. Who's his plastic surgeon, the assistant chef at Benihana? I'm sure even Michael Jackson took a break to beg him to stop before he looks like a second tier circus act.

I also find it ironic that a man who made his fortune on a song titled, "Brand New Lover" is angry because his husband took his advice and decided to move on. When straight couples break up, the embittered party does not blame their sexual orientation. So, why must Burns blame his orientation, just because his relationship fell apart faster than his career?

Pete, I urge you to see a shrink and stay away from the oven, before your face melts like a Hershey's kiss in the Iraqi desert. I'd call you two-faced, Mr. Burns, but it is apparent you are on your fifth.


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