Wayne Besen - Daily Commentary

Friday, October 14, 2005

President George W. Bush's job approval rating has fallen to a new low of 39 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday. Bush's approval rating dipped in the poll below a mid-September ranking of 40 percent. The survey also found only 28 percent of respondents believed the country was headed in the right direction, NBC reported.

Bush still has a few more years to fall. When it is all said and done, does anyone doubt he will be ranked one of the worst presidents of all time? Heck, if it were not for 9-11 he never would have been re-elected. The man has never had policies, just props. There has never been substance, just spin. Now, even his brainless cheerleaders on the extreme right are beginning to see that Bush is a hapless empty suit.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

In a highly disturbing new trend, the GOP and White House are stressing that Harriet Miers should be confirmed because she is a right wing, anti-choice born again Christian. This is incredible, because during the John Roberts confirmation process, the right was indignant when the left brought up religion saying we should not have "religious litmus tests."

But enter Miers, stage right. The last time I've seen this much litmus, I was in a biology lab in high school. It is increasingly clear that neo-puritans are bad for America and simply not compatible with a free society. They lie, cheat, mislead and steal if it will bring them victory. Thanks to this right wing "religious test", it looks like Democrats are being pushed into filibustering the nomination. Here is a snapshot of the day's events:

New Ally: Television evangelist Pat Robertson warned Republican senators not to vote against Miers, noting that most of them had voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- whom Robertson described as a former American Civil Liberties Union lawyer -- when she was nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993. "Now they're going to turn against a Christian who is a conservative picked by a conservative president and they're going to vote against her for confirmation?" he asked on his show. "Not on your sweet life if they want to stay in office."

Anti-Choice: Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said on MSNBC yesterday that he believes Miers personally opposes abortion. "I believe that she is pro-life."

Bush Plays Religious Card: "People ask me why I picked Harriet Miers," Bush said in response to a reporter's question at an Oval Office appearance . "They want to know Harriet Miers's background. They want to know as much as they possibly can before they form opinions. And part of Harriet Miers's life is her religion."

Left Reacts: "It's hypocrisy doubled and quadrupled," Ralph Neas of People for the American Way said. "What's wrong for John Roberts can't be right for Harriet Miers. . . . The president and his people are using repeated assurances about Miers's religion to send not-so-subtle messages about how she might rule on the court on issues important to the president's political supporters."

Cocktail Set Dissed: Allegedly homosexual Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman stressed that Miers would not be seduced by the liberal establishment like other Republican-appointed justices who "want to curry favor with the Georgetown cocktail set." Perhaps Mehlman said this because he is more comfortable with the gay DuPont Circle cocktail set?


Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has been subpoenaed to turn over personal records in an investigation into possible insider trading, The Washington Post reported today. The Securities and Exchange Commission issued the subpoena within the past two weeks, after initial reports that Frist, the Senate's top Republican official, was under scrutiny by the agency and the Justice Department for possible violations of insider trading laws.
"It seems that for years, Frist may have misled his constituents and the American people about his health care industry stock holdings and the conflict of interest they created as he drafted our nation's health care policy," said Democratic National Committee Communications Director Karen Finney. "This deal raises even more questions about the Republican culture of corruption in Washington, D.C."
When the GOP swept to power in 1994, they promised us reform. We had no idea this "reform" meant turning Congress into a crime syndicate. It seems that everywhere one looks, Republicans are being indicted, accused, reprimanded, admonished or subpoenaed. With great irony we watch a party elected on "traditional values" fall into an ethical ditch and sink into moral cesspool. Isn't it time voters in the Red States realize they were duped? Isn't it time we vote these filthy bums out of office?


Having gone to high school in the 80's, I am a fan of Boy George. However, I saw a picture of him without his make-up in the newspaper today - and, well, he's no longer a boy. Seems to me, after your 20th wrinkle, you might reconsider your youthful name. Take a look at the guy, he looks like a middle-aged bouncer!

It's not that I really want to hurt you or make you cry, George, but someone has to tell you the truth. And, I don't think it will be any of those hipsters in your entourage who are blissfully snorting your endless supply of blow. If Puff Daddy can become P-Diddy or whatever he is today, why can't you become "Old Man George?"

I know the marketing people might object, but me and thousands of other people your own age will support you!


Between 1 million and 6 million children in the U.S. are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples. According to researchers, children growing up in same-sex parental households do not necessarily have differences in self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional problems from children growing up in heterosexual parent homes.
"Lesbian couples share household responsibilities and chores more equitably," said Ellen C. Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. "And, the children of lesbian couples are less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more inclined to play with both boy's and girl's toys. Children seem to adjust better when there is a more equal division of labor in the home and the parental relationship with the children had a higher rating."
So, it turns out that those "traditional" patriarchal households supported by Focus on the Family actually hurt children because they do not fairly divide labor. In the Focus model, fat dad sits back and smokes even fatter cigars and drinks beer, while his barefoot and miserable wife bakes cupcakes. It turns out that having mom as the Stepford Slave is bad parenting because it sets a poor example of inequality. Kids don't respond well to the inherent unfairness. Conversely, kids in same-sex households, where both parents are respectful and equal, report greater success rates.

This should not surprise anyone. When I think back on childhood, my friends who had a lording father who treated mother like a pet, were the least happy with their home life. When it comes to family, there really is something to diversity, equality and fairness in the home. It appears irrelevant whether parents are gay or straight. What matters is love and mutual respect.


In a historic first for the state of Virginia, an openly gay man has been appointed to the board of a major public university, The Washington Blade reports. My friend, Jeff Trammell, a PR guru and former gay issues adviser to the Al Gore and John Kerry presidential campaigns, has been named by Virginia Gov. Mark Warner to the 17-member William & Mary College Board of Visitors for a four-year term. William & Mary, in Williamsburg, is the nation's second oldest university and was recently named by Newsweek as the nation's "hottest small state school."


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Heating bills are headed through the roof, expected to average 50 percent higher this winter for homes that use natural gas. People in parts of the Midwest are likely to pay even more - as much as $1,600 for the winter months if the weather is especially bad.

From Day 1 of his presidency, Bush scorned developing alternative energy sources. Fast forward five years and we are now in an energy crises that may be out of control. With $1,600 more for heating caused by his awful energy policy that rewarded oil companies at the expense of the public, suddenly his pathetic little $200 middle class tax cut doesn't seem so helpful.


This week President Bush's second Supreme Court nominee, Harriet Miers, joined the swelling ranks of high-powered Republicans with, um - how to put it? - ambiguous sexual orientations. The club of what we'll call "closet heterosexuals" also includes such luminaries as the very single Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman, California congressman David Dreier, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.



Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, had to step down from his leadership position when he was indicted in Texas for scumbaggery a couple of weeks ago. However, it is becoming clear that while DeLay has dropped his official title, he is still the man in charge. This is against the law and should immediately be put to a stop, or he should be arrested for defiling the institution of Congress.
"DeLay is driving the agenda," said one senior Republican lawmaker who did not want to be identified because of the sensitivity of talking about internal party matters. "I guess he has to be because he is the only guy who can get this done. But once people find out he is still in charge, that brings its own set of issues."
Law and order conservatives ought to have a big problem with DeLay's blatant mockery of the law. He was sent to the back bench, so why is he still in the driver's seat? As the GOP increasingly becomes a criminal enterprise, perhaps they are most comfortable with a thug like Tom "The Hammer" DeLay running their sleazy operation.


From Tidmus


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

First lady Laura Bush joined her husband in defending his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday and said it was possible some critics were being sexist in their opposition to Harriet Miers.

"That's possible, I think that's possible," Mrs. Bush said when asked on NBC's "Today Show" whether criticism that Miers lacked intellectual heft were sexist in nature. She said Miers' accomplishments as a lawyer were a role model to young women.

What a crock of poppycock. The right is mad because she may not be Scalia and the left is mad because she may be a closeted Scalia clone. Both camps are rightfully angry and depressed because her resume is thin and she is a suck-up Bush crony. Turning this is to an issue of sexism is as big of a joke as the Miers nomination.


Monday, October 10, 2005

On National Coming Out Day, Tuesday, Oct. 11, I am speaking at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. The event, sponsored by UNCW PRIDE and the Out Wilmington Community Center, will take place on campus at Cameron Hall Auditorium (8pm). The event is free and open to the public. For more information e-mail pride@uncw.edu.

This promises to be a first-rate event and I am very excited about it. If you are in the area, don't miss this chance to hear me dismantle the "ex-gay" myth. If you are an "ex-gay", I also urge you to come, so you can escape the closet and live life as a proud openly gay American.


The Oregonian reported today that police are investigating complaints that Louis Beres, longtime chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon, molested three female pre-teen family members.

"I was molested," said one of the women, now in her early 50s. "I was victimized, and I've suffereall my life for it. I'm still afraid to be in the same room with (Beres)."

Rich Galat, 41, of Oakland, Calif., is Beres' nephew. He said he told detectives that Beres has molested several female family members over two generations.
"My family has gone through hell," Galat said. "Lives have been ruined. Those of us who have come forward have been ostracized, verbally abused and the victims of character assassination...It must stop."
The details are new, but the story is ancient. The very right wing zealots who want to tell everyone how to live are the very people most likely to be knee-deep in sin. These creeps are so filled with guilt that they often project their own insecurities and sick longings into the political arena. Imagine this pig working to keep loving same-sex couples from marrying, in an effort to supposedly save the American family! The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

If a "straight" man is obsessed with opposing gay rights, you can almost bet he is attracted to men. If a person is a crusader against pornography, it is likely he is a porn junkie. The goal of these fundamentalist freaks is to persecute or ban what attracts them, so they won't succumb to their secret temptations and desires.

Of course, there is nothing more hideous than child molestation. It is an even worse betrayal when it occurs within the family. The Christian Coalition should take their busy-bodies to church, pray for their own salvation and learn how to mind their own stinking business. How long will America have to be subject to these perverts who act pious to hide their pathologies? For too many people, fundamentalism is beard for bad behavior.


(Weekly Column)

The nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court is driving the right wing crazy. Well, they were always nuts, but now President George W. Bush is the surprising target of their vituperation, even as he desperately seeks their cooperation. The last time conservatives were this angry, it was over another presidential worshipping White House groupie. But at least Bill Clinton didn't nominate Monica Lewinsky to the Supreme Court.

Originally, Bush thought by choosing a crony with no paper trail he would inoculate himself against Democrats. What he did not expect was that conservative discontent would spread faster than avian bird flu. It appears that the only vaccine to stop this right wing pandemic of pandemonium is the withdrawal of the Miers nomination.



Arnold Schwarzenegger betrayed the GLBT Community and tarnished his legacy by vetoing marriage legislation. I would love if he were defeated in his bid for reelection. So, forgive me for not getting excited that there is a drive underway to recall the governor. Dr. Kenneth Matsumura has a bone to pick with Arnie because he believes he isn't doing enough to help the poor. Well, duh, he's a Republican.

Californians need to reform their recall process and stop making a mockery of democracy. We have things in America called elections. If the person you don't like wins, tough. You must live with him or her until the next election. At that point, the voters get to decide if they would like to make a change. There are rare exceptions to this rule, such as high crimes that undermine the state.

But, it was tragically wrong to recall Gray Davis and it will be equally wrong to terminate the Terminator before the next election. What we are looking at here is a recipe for disaster where every special interest or disgruntled millionaire can overturn an election if they don't like the results. This will eventually lead to chaos and instability in the nation's largest state. Enough is enough!


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Police arrested pop star Boy George in New York on Friday after they found a small amount of cocaine at his Manhattan apartment. He was released on Saturday after appearing at Manhattan Criminal Court charged with possessing drugs and must return to New York for another hearing on December 19.

Wow, this ranks right up there with the shocking "news" of drug allegations aginst supermodel Kate Moss. What next to rock our innocent little worlds? Keith Richards, Courtney Love or Ozzy caught misbehaving?


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